Tuesday, August 17, 2010

People I Admire #1 : Norah Jones

I'll be honest with you guys...when it comes to music, I'm probably the World's BIGGEST Hypocrite - its not something that I'm proud of; but then being a slightly pretentious moron, I don't try to hide it either. So you see, no matter how hard I try, I just can't like something that is popular. I just can't - believe me, I've tried a thousand times. I think my constant need for being different and far from "normal" has made me a snooty smartass.

Song Styles
There are songs that I like initially, but the moment I find out that the song is, in fact, popular, I lose interest. That happened with Taylor Swift's Love Story, pretty much every song that Green Day and Linkin Park ever released and currently popular bands like Paramore, Muse etc. etc.

Sometimes I refuse to like the song because everyone else likes it eg. Fireflies by Owl City. I swear, its not something that I decide to do on a whim - it just happens!

That being said, I sometimes like bands that are, in fact, popular, but just not in the place I live/with most people I know, examples being The Script, OneRepublic, Jason Mraz, Dido, The Bee Gees, Sheryl Crow Il Divo and Norah Jones

The New Nightingale
I know Norah is a popular artist - and why shouldn't she be? She is gorgeous, intelligent, a good soul and most of all, a wonderful singer - there is no reason why people should not fall in love with this woman.

Except for Human Stupidity, that is. Thanks to girls like Justine Bieber and guys like Milo Cyrus, not to mention the likes of Shrill-ary Puff, Lady Gargoyle, Vanessa Pudgens, Bobby Rat (I'm guessing you call her Robby Pat)...oh wait, where was I? Yeah, the popularity of non-singers - well that ensures that morons don't "get" the beauty of Norah's voice. I admit - sometimes I feel like I'm tone-deaf , but hey, any no-talent novice with basic intelligence (a rare commodity indeed) can tell you, there is so much more in an NJ song than just music and lyrics - Its amazing how she goes from bittersweet melancholy (Seven Years) to bubbly unclouded joy (Sunrise) to sensual flirtation (little Room) *also, at this point, I'd love to point out that she's always flirty, never cheap and slutty.*

 Okay fine, so maybe I don't get music. I know jack squat about chords and treble and God-knows-what else - but I do get Norah. Her voice, the lyrics of her songs, the soft soothing music, the emotions she conveys - all of these make her song a beautiful experience, a wonderful journey. Its like coming home.

Pity those Bieber girls will never experience it.

I think I own each and every album of hers. That makes me proud of myself. :)

There is a faint possibility that I'm developing a girlie crush on her. Meh, she still beasts Pattinson.

(Also, don't you think she and Henry Cavill will make an adorable couple?)
edit: Their baby is just plain adorable!


darkglow said...

Damn true music is losing audience. But at least it's not losing soul. :)

TaurMe said...

I know, right! Liking a song because of its music/lyrics/voice is sensible.

Liking a song because it has every cuss word ever written and a bunch of semi-naked chicks is not sensible. Its lame.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could 'like' this post. I find myself hating these so called popular songs. This tends to happen with books as well. (Yes, the Bieber/Twilight fever, ugh.)

Also, Norah FTW!

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