Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Guy Called Gubler

This is the second part in a series of blog posts on my sad, sad obsession with *yet another*  celebrity, Matthew Gray Gubler. Part one is HERE

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate this. Why do I "fall" for celebrities so often?! I admit, its better than being crazy about a "real life" person. Still. It sucks.

The worst part of a celeb-related crush, IMO is when you find similarities b/w yourself and the said person. That's when the actual obsession starts. Watching a TV show is one thing - thinking of someone all the time, imagining impossible situations wherein you might 'accidentally' run into a well, a bona fide celebrity - that's what makes you suffer.

And yes. Right now I am suffering. Real bad. Like real pain - bad. Take a few minutes off your busy schedules. Bother checking out this LINK


Does it sound familiar?

Did you just say no? Hmm. Let me help - I'll just post a few of his answers:

I guess three steps above looking homeless. I don't own many new clothes.

...one teal argyle

There would be a museum involved. In New York. Hopefully in the Fall because I love the Fall. It would also involve a dried leaves fight, hot apple cider and a pumpkin patch.

Also it would be horrible if it was somewhere loud, and she was trying to get me to dance to R&B music slowly with a crazy look in her eyes.

My favourite living director would be Wes Anderson, I think he is pretty great. A dead one would be Alfred Hitchcock, he made so many incredible films. I also love Roman Polanski, the Coen brothers... I like every single film, it is so hard to make a movie so I have a lot of respect for anyone who makes something that is watchable!

A dream come true. I got to be his real intern for school credit. And I still can't believe I was in one of his movies. I was watching The Royal Tenenbaums the other day and suddenly thought "I can't believe I was in a Wes Anderson movie!" There's nobody like him. It gave me a bizarre first impression about being an actor. He does many things unconventionally. It is the exact opposite of working on a TV show. He is a very measured and precise director who tries to make perfection.

You know what, I can't copy-paste things anymore. He fcking looks like Johnny Depp these days!

I'm suffering.

 I'm gonna go eat cake.


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